Skin, Laser & Hair Transplant Centre

Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatment.

We provide the most advanced options for the treatment of hair loss, with a holistic approach. There is no one stop solution, or quick fix treatment for hair loss. It’s always a multimodal approach ,starting with a proper evaluation , as hair loss can be due to genetic and epigenetic factors. Genetic hair loss , typically seen in your 40’s is now seen much earlier , even in your teens and twenty’s due to several other factors which are controllable . So the first step is always a detailed evaluation , by various modalities like clinical examination, lab tests, trichoscopy or hair scan , Which helps in detailed examination of hair roots and scalp. In doubt ful cases scalp biopsy may be required to arrive at a diagnosis.

Our hairfall treatment includes diagnosis,identifying the root cause for hairfall and suggesting various treatments option which are suitable for you.

For severe cases of hairfall, we use advanced dermatology treatments like mesotherapy, PRP and Hair Transplant. Reborn skin & hair clinic provides most effective hair treatments for men & women.

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Hair loss resulting in thinning is known as alopecia. When it is related to hormones (androgens) and genetics, it is known as androgenetic alopecia. When androgenetic alopecia denudes an area of the scalp it is called baldness. Male pattern hair loss is characterized by a receding hairline and/or hair loss on the top and front of the head. A similar type of hair loss in women, female pattern hair loss, results in thinning hair on the mid-frontal area of the scalp and is generally less severe than occurs in males.

Hair loss resulting in thinning is known as alopecia. When it is related to hormones (androgens) and genetics, it is known as androgenetic alopecia. When androgenetic alopecia denudes an area of the scalp it is called baldness. Male pattern hair loss is characterised by a receding hairline and/or hair loss on the top and front of the head. A similar type of hair loss in women, female pattern hair loss, results in thinning hair on the mid-frontal area of the scalp and is generally less severe than occurs in males.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is a distinctive form of hair loss that occurs in women with androgenetic alopecia. Many women are affected by FPHL. In fact, around 40% of women by age 50 show signs of hair loss and less than 45% of women actually reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is a distinctive form of hair loss that occurs in women with androgenetic alopecia. Many women are affected by FPHL.In fact, around 40% of women by age 50 show signs of hair loss and less than 45% of women actually reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.

In FPHL, there is diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp due to increased hair shedding or a reduction in hair volume, or both. It is normal to lose up to 50-100 hairs a day. Another condition called chronic telogen effluvium also presents with increased hair shedding and is often confused with FPHL. It is important to differentiate between these conditions as management for both conditions differ.

FPHL presents quite differently from the more easily recognizable male pattern baldness, which usually begins with a receding frontal hairline that progresses to a bald patch on top of the head. It is very uncommon for women to bald following the male pattern unless there is excessive production of androgens in the body.

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